wireless guitar system, check it out at MusiciansFriend.com

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

With my husband's understanding of R.C. cars and trucks when you send from the remote and the car response he thought with today's wireless modems and such that it would be nice if you could have some of the band instruments to be wireless. He went on a search online and came up with wireless guitar system, check it out at MusiciansFriend.com. I don't think my husband has slept the last week thinking about how many different things he could do with it.

Landscaping timber sale

Earlier today we found out it was the last day for spring black Friday sale at Home Depot. So we hooked on to our wagon with our truck and off we went. Their landscaping timber was discounted by about forty percent so we picked up twenty for us and ten for my mother in law that desperately needs hers replaced hopefully we can get to it this weekend.

Paul reed smith at guitarcenter.com

Friday, March 31, 2017

Its so awesome to see the face on our son when we buy a new or different instrument. Our son's ears are incredible when it comes to tuning just about anything you can. After buying the paul reed smith at guitarcenter.com I was playing it for a while when he came home from school. He looked at me with a smile took it from me sat down and he just had to adjust it so funny to see how serious he is when it comes to the sound being perfect.

Spring or winter

Well for one week in New York State we thought it was spring but boy we were wrong. In two days we had twenty three inches of snow so my husband got the snow blower out to clear the driveway. As soon as he started it the belt blew to the auger. Good thing we have Isuzu Vehicross which are four wheel drive SUV's to get out of the driveway. He ordered a belt  but the guy said they were on back order and now we're back to a rainy cold spring. Snow is gone.

Guitar center products

Friday, October 21, 2016

Its great when your kids are musically inclined instead of playing games online all day because they get mad when you tell them to stop you can always ask them to take time out to play something on the piano or guitar or xylophone. Whatever happens to be the instrument of their choice. Its going to be a lot easier buying gifts at guitar center products they even have quite a few products that are discounted at the end of this year.


This is the first time in years that we had someone moved out of our apartment and actually there was no damage whatsoever. The only problem with that is at the moment we only had about eighty percent of the security. At least in the meantime we have up to thirty days to return it and that's a good thing because by then we will easily have the rest of the money.

yamaha dgx 505

This summer going on vacation was less affordable so we had to find different things to do that were more affordable. We ended up going camping at a few different Adirondack Parks. After the first camping trip for a weekend our ten year old son decided that he couldn't live without his yamaha dgx 505. The next trip to a different campground after he was playing it for awhile he had quite a few other young kids that came over to hear him play. 

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