Years ago we bought an old Victorian house to live in temporarily until we renovated it and sold it. We had our location for our new house picked out we just needed a better down payment. So on our spare time we took on the renovations of the Victorian. Listening to my dad's wisdom we started with the roof which originally was slate. We converted it to a nice gray metal roof. The custom cedar shake shingle siding as it met the roof look so terrific.
Luckily for us most of the interior of the house needed only minor repair. The kitchen was beautiful antique looking cabinets but they were worn out. We ended up replacing them with basically the same style but of course new. The counter tops we replaced with black counters with gold fleck in them. I can remember the long list of things left to do they were only little things but they took three days. At this time we were so tired with all of it. We ended up taking estimates on the carpet flooring with the help of the site we found at After two days of cleaning we called the real state agent. All of our hard work paid off as we sold this beautiful Victorian for a 70k profit.