You never where life is going to take you. After my husband got a call from a friend of his that had too much work for swimming pool installations in North Carolina at the time my husband was out of work in New York. We packed up a truckload of our personal belongings and headed there. While we were there my husband looked into a health insurance agency in nc to take care of our needs for our temporary stay.
Gold rush show
We love watching gold rush on cable just to think about the weeks to come on how much gold they will find makes you want to go there and try it yourself. It's amazing on eBay how many gold trommel machines are available for purchase. The trommel is a machine that separates gold from dirt.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
I can't wait for my son to see it. He hasn't been over to practice in three of four months. The family band continues but of course it's not the same without him there. We started the family band years ago as a way for all of us to spend time together with something we all enjoy. Even though we didn't go very far playing outside of the basement it was sure fun. I can't wait for my son to see the new
view that I purchased.
Great headphones
Some days I just can't take it. My son playing his music to a concrete wall still is too loud. After getting his attention by turning the lights on and off I asked him to turn it down he tuns it down then twenty minutes later he turns it up again. I don't know what he is thinking because I just talked to him. He is on his own little world as he sings his new songs. Maybe he should buy me a set of great headphones so I can live in my little world.
Auto accessories
Friday, November 7, 2014
We happened to get a home equity loan a few months ago. We started out by putting new vinyl siding on and along awaited new roof and bought a new four wheeler for plowing the driveway. We love our unique truck that we got a great deal on off from E-bay. But to make it sparkle more we thought we could use some auto accessories. We started out with this beautiful safari rack. We ended up with a set of Yokohama tires with this awesome chrome rims. To top it off we put blue neon frame lights underneath. How spectacular.
auto accessories
On Sale
Sunday, October 19, 2014
I can only dream at the moment maybe someday I can own a Gibson Custom L-5 CES electric guitar maybe it could be a super big Christmas present from my husband sometime in the future. I tried to tell him it is On Sale now. He said if I keep on continuing my practices with his old guitar he would think about it on my birthday. For me that's a long time from now considering I just had my birthday earlier this month.
Car accessories
Red, blue, green, to purple I can't believe how many different colored lights u can accent your car with these days. My hubby decided to re-do our old truck. I couldn't believe how many car accessories we could put in it. From new style LCD type tail lights to the bluest of blue but brighter than ever headlights. The best thing was the stereo is super incredible. The next project is his 1968 camaro. He have already found around 1500 dollars worth of car accessories for the interior alone.
From this website
Monday, September 1, 2014
A friend of mine has always been into scrap booking and all sorts of different little home projects. This summer to make a little extra money she took care of two girls while their parents were working. She also has a little girl of her own. One day when I stopped over to have lunch with her the one whole room at her house was like a project room with heat guns, glue guns, and other unique tools so her and the kids could build their projects. She said she purchased these all from this website. It look like a lot of fun.
Vegetable garden
At least this year the hot summer days and the very cool summer nights had a great effect on my mother in law's garden. There was only one problem the feud tomato plans that were planted completely grew out of control and suffocated the pepper plants. So we had tons and tons of tomatoes and very few peppers. Next year she will separate them more.
Printing services nyc
Starting up our business brought on a lot of different challenges. One of the first things was dealing with the different ways or options on how to advertise our services. The first easiest way was printing services nyc making up the different flyers that we can handout on different locations worked out pretty good. The next step was the timing of our short commercials and how many we could afford over a month's time. That in particular drew a lot on our cash flow.
Diamond rings
I remember years ago when my cousin was getting married it was such a grand affair everything was so beautiful. As you know the day of the wedding and leading up to it can be very hectic. One of the main responsibilities of my cousin were to bring the wedding bands and the diamond rings of course to the church. He had them setting out on the dining room table but forgot to bring them with him. Luckily, there was time to do the two hour round trip to his house and back.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
We wait all year of our favorite band to play in Syracuse and then the whole thing is cancelled because of bad weather. The last time we seen our band was down in North Carolina and at 9:30 at night it was still 85 degrees. People that had been there all day were falling down from heat exhaustion. The one thing that sets our band apart from almost everybody else is the vibraphone. When they roll that out the guy that plays is is just sort of a genius.
Affordable rack shelf
It was a lot of fun building my new office. The plans changed at least three times in five days. All the plans were based on measuring all of my equipment that was going into the office space. The office space is very small and in one corner I used three affordable rack shelf. On the other wall was a book shelf that was custom made also to fit the area.
2013 Oreion Reeper
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Searching through eBay the other day for used vehicles I happen to come up with something really unique. It say 2013 Oreion Reeper. Its nothing that I could use on a daily basis but it looks like such a fun vehicle. Maybe if I had sand dunes in my backyard I would be more interested in it. The price is a little out of my budget.
Winter fun
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Here we go again. Who could believe that another bad storm is coming across the eastern seaboard. Wouldn't you know it after it hits us it dissipates. Spring is usually here in a week or two but not this time old man winter still has a few tricks left. With a wind chill of -10 tomorrow it's not going to be fun.
Green house
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Hopefully next winter I will have my small green house set up inside. So many vegetables that we take for granted our scarce and so expensive during the winter months in CNY. I'm not sure how to do it all yet but I think hydroponics is the way to go.
These 60" drawer slides
Monday, February 17, 2014
My husband's work truck was very crowded with all the tools. He had built shelves on both sides to hold all the tools. He also built a ceiling rack inside in the center to keep three of his ladders out of the harsh winters in Upstate New York. Now he is building a floor eight inches above the regular floor to install drawers with these 60" drawer slides. A lot of his small parts will go in there.
1999 Isuzu VehiCross
My husband finally got the chance to wash our Isuzu VehiCross. We didn't want to put it on the road but our other truck was beyond cost repair. Isuzu VehiCross is a very collectible and very rare. Only about 43,000 of these made their way into United States from 1999 to 2001. We are very happy to have ours the Ironman Triathlon edition.

Wholesale belts
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Nothing is worse than walking out of the house in the morning without your belt. It seems like a simple thing to remember but when you put your jeans on in the morning they're tight so I just forget about the belt. By noon time at work they're sliding down then you remember. With the price of belts these days its time to look for wholesale belts online to get the best pricing.
Switching to another cellular company
It just shows you to shop around for your cellular company. There seems to be the price were going on always. I just changed my plan to another company and save myself 29 dollars a month. I can't wait for my husband's phone to go out of contract so we can switch his. Total savings then a month will be 58 dollars.
Bon Ton pop corn
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
What a tasty surprise I found the other day. We were on our trip up North and pulled over at a small store close to Henderson. Where we live now they don't have the Bon Ton brand of cheese pop corn. I was so happy to see it because I haven't had it in so long. All the other brands that I've tried don't come near the great taste of Bon Ton cheese popcorn. I bought five bags.
NC health agency
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Years ago my husband working out of town was down in North Carolina. While he was there he had to hire three different contractors to help finish the work that he had scheduled. While one of the contractors was working with the backhoe one of the hydraulic lines blew off hitting a man in his shoulders. As we were taking the young men to the hospital he mentioned that he had gone through
nc health agency for his health insurance policy.
Cellphone carrier
I wish we wouldn't have re-signed up with our cellphone carrier. I was just in such a hurry to get my new phone that I didn't shop around. I'm thinking about paying the termination fee. When I pay the termination fee I will still save over 150 dollars in two years by switching to a new cellphone company.
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