push in boots

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Finally, we went to the store and bought the boots that I am going to wear on Halloween. It's tough to find size 5 shoes and most of the time we find my shoe size on the children's section. (lol!) Anyhow it was my lucky day yesterday after searching on the regular adult shoe isle I finally found what I really wanted. I love this boots and my husband thinks it's sexy.


Maus said...

cute bru
baribihon mo bitis mo ngani mag talubo!
......and next time dakula na na size kaan hehehehe

Unknown said...

gorgeous boots... very vintage. I seem to recall my mother wearing a pair just like these in 1981.

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Anonymous said...

yeyyyy i want one.... gorgeous!

Cecile said...

i like your new boots :-)

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